Products tagged with verzachtend

DōTERRA essential oils Deep Blue Copaiba Stick

Infused with doTERRA Deep Blue® Soothing Blend containing CPTG Certified Pure Tested Grade™ essential oils, plus the ben...

DōTERRA essential oils Correct-X

dōTERRA Correct-X® is an all-natural ointment with Frankincense, Helichrysum, Lavender, Tea Tree and other CPTG essentia...

DōTERRA essential oils Deep Blue Soothing Blend Essential Oil

Peppermint, Copaiba, Blue Tansy, German Chamomile, Helichrysum found in Deep Blue products work together as the perfect ...

DōTERRA essential oils Adaptiv essential oil

When you feel the need for a calming boost, Adaptiv is your solution. Keep Adaptiv on hand to help comfort you in new su...

DōTERRA essential oils SPA Hand & Body Lotion

Indulge your skin in doTERRA SPA Hand & Body Lotion, a light, non-greasy formula that contains jojoba and macadamia seed...

DōTERRA essential oils Marjoram Essential Oil

Marjoram is valued for its calming properties and for its positive effect on the nervous system. It also soothes tired, ...

DōTERRA essential oils Cilantro essential oil

Power-packed with benefits from its original herbal state, Cilantro oil has a flavorful kick that can be used in many di...

DōTERRA essential oils Coriander essential oil

Coriander can be soothing when massaged into the body. The sweet, herbaceous aroma is both relaxing and uplifting, makin...

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