Shipments & Returns
Canceling an order is free of charge as long as it has not yet been shipped.
If you cancel the order after it has been sent to you, you must refuse the package upon delivery. If Bliz Wellness has already received a payment from you, we will refund the purchase price to you after good receipt of the return shipment. The shipping costs incurred will be deducted from this (only if you refuse the order at the door and have it taken unopened by the delivery person).
Consumers have a cooling off period of 14 calendar days to return the product without giving reasons, starting on the day on which you or a third party designated by you, who is not the carrier, physically takes possession of the last good.
An exception to this are, among other things, personalized products / customization. Would you like to return the product to us unused and in its original, undamaged packaging? For more information, see our general terms and conditions.
Do you want to return the entire order? Items that have already been received must be returned to the return address below. Bliz Wellness will refund the entire purchase price, including the calculated shipping costs (Netherlands only). The shipping costs for the return are for your account.
The shipping costs are also for your account when part of your order is returned. The purchase price of the part of the order that you have returned will be refunded to you. Shipping costs will not be refunded in that case.
We advise you to choose the PostNL parcel post when returning, because it offers you to trace your package.
We can process your return shipment the fastest if you notify Bliz Wellness in writing of your exchanges and returns. You can use our return form or send us an email. Please include at least your full name and order number and the items you wish to exchange or return. In order to improve our customer service, we would appreciate it if you let us know the reason. You are of course not obliged to do this in accordance with the Distance Selling Act.
We also need your bank account number to refund amounts already paid (in advance). Customers abroad must also state the IBAN and BIC / Swift number of their own bank.
Please note: the account number you specify for the refund must be the same as the account number from which you made the payment to Bliz Wellness. This because of possible fraud with refunds.
Any amounts already paid will be refunded to you within a maximum of 14 days after the return notification and having received the goods in good condition.
Return address:
Johan Cruijffstraat 14
3824 KB Amersfoort
The Netherlands