Provide your household with a water filter

Aqualine Water Systems Aqualine Waterfilter 18 liter

The Aqualine 18 glass water filter is a 4 or 5-in-1 water filtration system that filters water (even removes GenX, PFAS)...

DōTERRA essential oils Cleanse & Restore Kit

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ZeroWater TDS meter

A TDS meter measures the total number of dissolved solids in drinking water in parts per million (ppm). The meter calcul...


1-Pack ZeroWater waterfilters De ZeroWater waterfilters kunnen in verschillende multipacks gekocht worden waaronder h...


The original ZeroWater water filter jug is known for its special filters. It is the only water filter jug capable of com...


The original ZeroWater water filter jug is known for its special filters. It is the only water filter jug capable of com...


Complete set of filters for 1 year and mineral stones for 3 years for the Aqualine/AQV 18. When ordering, please choose ...


Do you want your household to have access to a water filter that provides you with healthy and clean water? At Bliz Wellness we sell water filters in different sizes. Filtered water is ideal for drinking, as it tastes great and any contaminants are filtered out. It can also be used for cooking, for example to wash vegetables.

View all our water filtering products


Clean water for your household with the right water filter

Do you want to order a water filter to provide your household with clean and healthy water, that tastes great? In our health store you can order different kinds of water filters that are ideal for households of any size. The Aqualine water filter, which you can order in our store, provides your household with healthy and clear water. The tanks are available in different capacities and the filtered cold water can be used for drinking, cooking, and washing. The multi-step filters make sure any microplastics, heavy metals, chlorine and other contaminants are filtered out. When you want to order a water filter for your household, it is important to check the size of the tank. For example, a tank with 11 liters is sufficient for 2-3 person households.


Provide yourself with a water filter for clean and healthy water

Filtered water is not only cleaner, but also fresher and it tastes better. Do you want to provide your household with healthy water and order a water filter? Check out our range of water filters. If you want to support your healthy lifestyle even more, you can also check out our other products to live healthy. For example, our roam diffuser can be taken anywhere and be used for aromatherapy, to better your mental health. For more information about our products please contact us at [email protected].

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