DōTERRA essential oils  Thyme Essential Oil
Thyme Essential Oil
DōTERRA essential oils

Thyme Essential Oil


Thyme essential oil is the go-to oil if you are in need to support for a healthy working immune system and when seasonal and environmental threats are high. Read about this and other products that support a healthy immune system on our website.

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Product description

Thymus Vulgaris
Thought to impart courage to its bearer, Thyme was given to knights and warriors before they went into battle by ladies of the Middle Ages. During this same period, Thyme was often placed beneath pillows to help promote a peaceful sleep and to ward off nightmares. The ancient Greeks used Thyme in their baths and burned it as an incense in their temples while the Egyptians used it in their traditional ceremonies. Today, Thyme is commonly used as a seasoning, but it also produces a potent essential oil that has cleansing and purifying effects for the skin; however, due to its high thymol content, Thyme oil should be diluted with a carrier oil before application. Thyme oil has specific chemistry that supports a healthy immune system.*


  • Add two drops to veggie capsules and take during winter time to support a healthy immune system.*
  • Use Thyme oil when gardening to naturally repel insects.
  • Use one to two drops in meat and entrée dishes to add a fresh herbal flavor.
  • Dilute with a carrier oil then apply to targeted areas on the skin to purify and promote healthy-looking skin.

Primary benefits

  • Provides powerful antioxidant benefits when used internally*
  • Take internally to support a healthy immune system*
  • Naturally repels insects

Directions for use

Diffusion: Use three to four drops in the diffuser of your choice.
Internal use: Dilute one drop in four fluid ounces of liquid.
Topical use: Dilute 1 drop essential oil to 10 drops carrier oil. See additional precautions below.


Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, face, and sensitive areas.


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 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If you are ill, you should always consult a physician.
Product information
Brand DōTERRA essential oils
Article code BWG127
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Francis Vermeulen

Bij keelontsteking ben ik gestart met één druppel Tijm op een koffielepel honing te doen en dit in mijn mond te mengen en dan door te slikken. Uiteindelijk ben ik naar drie druppels gegaan, maar dan voel je het echt gloeien, start in elk geval met één druppel en kijk of je het kunt opvoeren.
Werkt beestig en zorgt voor een goede nachtrust.

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