Filter your water

Aqualine Water Systems Aqualine Waterfilter 18 liter

The Aqualine 18 glass water filter is a 4 or 5-in-1 water filtration system that filters water (even removes GenX, PFAS)...

ZeroWater TDS meter

A TDS meter measures the total number of dissolved solids in drinking water in parts per million (ppm). The meter calcul...

Aqualine Water Systems Mineral Stones Replacement

Mineralstones replacement set. It is advised to change the mineral set of your Aqualine or AQV water system once per yea...


The original ZeroWater water filter jug is known for its special filters. It is the only water filter jug capable of com...


Complete set of filters for 1 year and mineral stones for 3 years for the Aqualine/AQV 18. When ordering, please choose ...


Do you want to buy a water filter to filter your water? Water quality is a growing concern worldwide. Therefore, it is important to invest in a system that ensures the water you consume is clean, safe, and free from bacterial contaminants. Do you not know where to buy a water filter? At Bliz Wellness you will find a water filter in three different sizes, to suit households of any size. The water can either be used for drinking, cooking, or washing.

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Why is it important to buy a water filter to filter your water?

The main reason you should buy a water filter, is to prevent any water- related illnesses that come from contaminants in drinking water, such as salmonella or the norovirus. A water filter removes water impurities and contaminants such as chlorine or microplastics. Important minerals such as magnesium and chlorine are retained in the water. This way, you can have access to clean water that tastes good and is healthy for you. If you want to know where to buy a water filter, then you are at the right spot in our health store. We also sell cold water filters, with which you are guaranteed of perfectly chilled water. Next to knowing where to buy your water filter, it is important to know what to look for in a water filter. To order the right water filter for your household, it is important to check the size of the tanks. Next to that you should check what percentage of chemicals are filtered out of the water.


Buy a water filter

Did you not know where to buy a water filter? Now you do! We sell the right water filter for any household. To improve your healthy lifestyle even more, we also sell other products to start living healthily and protect your mental health. Our petal diffuser, for example, is great for if you want to start aromatherapy. Check out our webshop for all of our products and be sure to contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions.

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